Athlete, You're Clean

Read Genesis 7 & 8

The flood devastates the earth, but Noah and his family are saved from judgment.  Take special note of the end of verse 7:16.  "Then the LORD shut him in."  God is the One who secures Noah and family in the ark so that they would be protected from the flood.  The flood comes upon them, too, but they covered.  They are safe inside the ark.  The ark effectively took the judgment and carried them to life on the other side of judgment.  

We're given an amazing picture here of how a believer is ultimately saved from God's judgment of sinners through Jesus.  When we entrust our lives to Jesus, we are united to him, covered by him, and included in his death to sin and resurrection to life, just as Noah and family were included in the ark and covered by it.  On the cross, Jesus took God's judgment of our sin, and in his resurrection, Jesus carries us to life on the other side of judgment.  

Noah responds to God's saving act in worship (8:20).  He offers ceremonially clean animals as a sacrifice to God, again pointing ahead to our "clean," pure Savior who knew no sin.  "The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean sanctify them so that they are outwardly clean. How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished ["clean"] to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!"  (Hebrews 9:13-14, NIV).  

Questions for Reflection and Prayer

1. Noah and his family literally lived inside the ark of salvation for the good part of a year.  They did everything inside the ark and nothing outside of it.  What a picture of how we are called to live our lives in Christ!  Christianity is not a one-time decision or an idea, but a living union with Christ, in which we do everything in his love for us, in his strength, in his wisdom, with his sorrow over brokenness, and with his joy and hope of resurrection.  Is this how you are seeing your relationship with God, as a living relationship with Christ that impacts everything?  Where do you need to experience his love, strength, wisdom, sorrow, joy, hope, etc. in and through you?

2. Noah's response of worship/sacrifice shows that he was well-aware of God's mercy and grace toward him and his family.  Have the grace and mercy of God in Christ led you to worship recently?  If so, can you put your finger on what is keeping you from this response?  Take time to respond in worship today.

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