Athlete, Reflect

Read Exodus 18

Jethro, perhaps the first convert to faith in Yahweh (18:10-12), honors Moses’ unique leadership role (18:22- “bring every difficult case to you”), but pushes Israel toward decentralized leadership.  It is difficult to overstate the importance of this transition for the future of God’s people (see Acts 14:23, 15:6; 1 Corinthians 12:7; II Timothy 2:2).  God uses Jethro to open Moses’ eyes to the giftedness of the body of believers!  He wisely advises Moses to choose men marked by three qualities:  fear of God, trustworthiness, and hatred of dishonest gain.  Moses is to multiply his leadership by teaching them God’s law, modeling the way to live, and showing them how to carry out their duties in upholding justice.  Not only will Israel be built up by this transition, Moses will be spared from pastoral burnout (18:18)!

Questions for Reflection and Prayer

1. If you are in a role of spiritual leadership, are your eyes open to the giftedness and faithfulness of others, are you looking for ways to multiply your leadership, and are you equipping gifted people to lead through teaching, modeling, and coaching?  There may be aspects of your leadership role for which God calls you to maintain responsibility, but are there aspects that you are unnecessarily holding onto?  If so, is there a heart issue behind it?
2. Reflect on the three qualities of leaders that Jethro describes to Moses.  How do you need God’s mercy, grace, and power?  
3. If you are not in a role of spiritual leadership, are your eyes open to how you can serve?  Ask God to show you the unique ways in which He has gifted you, recognizing that we often discover our gifts and weaknesses by stepping out and serving.

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