Athlete, Don't Forget

*This series was written by the AIA staff team at the University of Virginia

Read Genesis 40-41

"The chief cupbearer, however, did not remember Joseph; he FORGOT him" (40:23).

Just as Jesus took our loneliness upon himself, suffering alone and being often dismissed and forgotten, Joseph is forgotten in his suffering. He had been in prison for quite some time before he interprets the chief baker and cupbearer's dreams. (Perhaps something did not right with Pharaoh's stomach, given that his baker and cupbearer's jobs were on the line).  Now Joseph waits another two years in prison before the cupbearer finally remembers him.

The chapters begin with Joseph suffering, but end with Joseph at the right hand of the king, dressed in fine robes and gold, ruling over the whole land with the authority of the king's ring (41:42). We are given a powerful image of Jesus' resurrection and ascension. Joseph's great wisdom is on display throughout, but he is quick to acknowledge and deflect all of the glory to God (41:16).  Even Pharaoh recognizes that it is some sort of divine wisdom (41:38-39).  Here again we are reminded of Jesus' wisdom and humble desire to glorify the Father (e.g. John 7:16-18).

Questions for Reflection & Prayer

1. How does Jesus' willingness to take on our loneliness, our forgotten-ness, speak to you?   Are you embracing the reality that He is with you even when you feel forgotten by the world?

2. We may or may not experience "matinée performances" of resurrection such as Joseph did on this side of Jesus' return. We certainly will not experience anything quite like Joseph did. But we will be raised with Christ and enter the glory of his kingdom when he returns. Are you living with this hope and in light of this destiny?

3. Today, are you seeking to point others to the infinite glory of God or to your own finite glory?  Praise God for fulfilling our calling as humble servants and for revealing the life-giving glory of God to us!

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