Athlete, He Helps Us

"And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever" - John 14:16

With a mile left to go in the ACC XC Conference Championship, I was fading. Badly. As I crested the final hill before the long stretch to the finish line I could hear my coach's voice clearly. Now, this wasn't the Olympics so there weren't thousands of fans lining the cross country course. But there were enough fans to make it odd to pick out a singular voice. I wish the roar of the crowd drowned my coach's voice out.


Thanks coach. To be fair, I was killing the team with my performance. As a coach, in that moment, he was not being helpful. Stating the obvious? Yes. But rehearsing what I already had playing in my head didn't motivate me to snap out of my sluggish race.

He let his emotions get the best of him. And I fully understand why.

You want to know something amazing about God? He is motivated out of love. Outward circumstances do not cause Him to act in a way that's out of His character. This is great news. In John 14, Jesus says that the Holy Spirit is coming to help us.

Regardless of what is going on in us or around us, the Holy Spirit's role in our life is to help us look more and more like Jesus. We may have bad days. But rest assured, the Holy Spirit will not lash out in an emotional outburst of anger. He helps us out of love. He realignes us to what life should look like if we follow His lead.

Athlete, wherever you are at in life today remember this: the Holy Spirit is FOR you. He is cheering you on in your quest to grow spiritually. In the midst of a busy culture, try to hear His voice today. Listen to what He is trying to tell you, lead you to, or convict you of.

It’s all out of love. And it’s all in an attempt to help grow closer to Jesus. 

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