Athlete, Trust Jesus

*This series was written by the AIA staff team at the University of Virginia

Read Exodus 11-12

Redemption from sin and death always includes both forgiveness of sin and repentance from sin toward worship of God.  When the angel of death brings God’s judgment on the people, the people of Israel are not spared because of their goodness.  They are spared because their own sin is covered by the blood of a lamb without defect, which is only effective because it points ahead to Jesus, the true Passover Lamb.  They receive this forgiveness through faith, by painting the blood of the lamb on their door frames (12:7; Hebrews 11:28).  They “commune” with the lamb and with God in a meal (12:8).  Repentance is then symbolized through the unleavened bread.  Israel was to get rid of their yeast as they were to get rid of their sin (1 Corinthians 5:6-7).  This, too, was done by faith in the goodness of God’s ways.  The result is worshipful obedience (12:27-28).  

Questions for Reflection and Prayer

1. Today, are you trusting in the perfect forgiveness we have in Jesus, the Lamb of God?  This passage provides a vivid depiction of the power of his blood, shed for us.
2. Are you trusting in the power of Jesus to get rid of sin?  
3. Are you regularly communing with God, taking time to worship and enjoy him?  This is why He has saved us!

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