Athlete, Know The Power Of God

"For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me." - Colossians 1:29

I must compete and live by my own strength.  Have you ever tried to do this?  I know for most of my career I thought I was strong enough to do everything by myself.  When an injury happened I would work really hard in the training room to get back to competing status.  When I had a conflict with a teammate I would avoid them until things seemed to pass by.  When I was frustrated at my playing time or didn't agree with my coaches' coaching style I would live with bitterness in my heart.

I was trying to do it all on my own strength.  That is probably why I was always exhausted.

Colossians 1:29 states "For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me."  This means that the power of God is within me.  Knowing that, I can turn to Him for whatever I need.
If I am injured, I am able to turn to God for peace and patience.  I can take an unfortunate situation and work on how to be a better teammate, encourager, and try to rest in the Lord, knowing that my identity doesn't come from my performance.

If I am in conflict with a teammate I am able to ask God to help me with wisdom in how to deal with the situation.  I am able to confront the situation, knowing that the Lord wants us to not live in conflict.  He will help me see others the way that He sees them and I can work on disagreements through that lense.
If I am struggling with seeing eye to eye with my coach and have a bitter attitude toward them, I am able to ask the Lord for confidence in how I am practicing and performing because I have an Audience of One.  

I don't have to have bitter feelings because the Lord can still use me with how I respond to my coach, even when I don’t agree.  

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