Athlete, Leave a Lasting Legacy

"Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow." Psalm 144:4

"As for man, his days are like grass; he flourishes like a flower of the field; for the wind passes over it, and it is gone, and its place knows it no more." Psalm 103:15

How do you feel after reading those verses? Humbling aren't they? Have you ever noticed that days can be long, but years can be really short? These two verses from Psalms remind us that our days, and our sports career, can be shorter than we ever imagined. A season feels long when we are going through it. But as end of the season (or end of career) conference championships approach, we usually feel like we just started the season a week ago. Time flies. Records and trophies fade and are forgotten and replaced quickly. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.

So don't wait to have that significant conversation with that teammate or friend. Make today an eternal impact day. Leverage your moments and your season so that you can leave an impact that will outlast your sports career and your life. Walk with Jesus all day long. Care for people well and let Christ ooze out of you with every word and action.





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