Athlete, In All Your Ways

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

A couple things worth noting from the passage above.

First, Trust. Trust in who? The LORD. It's so easy to find our joy and satisfaction in sports. To trust our sport to fill the void in our life. The object of our trust matters. Athlete, who are you trusting today?

Second, lean not on your own understanding. This is connected with the concept of trust. It can be so easy to create a god that thinks and acts according to how we think he should. Lucky for us, God has given us his Word to know him better. We lean on his understand and trust him when we open up his Word and get to know him.

Third, in all your ways acknowledge him. The phrase "Audience of One" is not something we made up. It's a reality seen all over scripture. Don't merely acknowledge him in some of your ways or in some areas of your life, but acknowledge him in everything. That's why we expanded the phrase to "Ao1 Life." Ao1 should be more than just a game day mantra. It should be a way of life.

Athlete, remember these three words today: trust, lean, and acknowledge. That's your part. God's part is to make your path straight. Have a great week!





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