Athlete, Do Not Wait To Share Why

Luke 5:27-32

"After this he went out and saw a tax collector named Levi, sitting at the tax booth. And he said to him, 'Follow me.' And leaving everything, he rose and followed him.

And Levi made him a great feast in his house, and there was a large company of tax collectors and others reclining at table with them. And the Pharisees and their scribes grumbled at his disciples, saying, 'Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?' And Jesus answered them, 'Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.'"

If we were to ask 100 people what they should do after they committed their lives to Jesus we would get a range of answers like:

Read your Bible
Go to church
Pray more often
Learn ministry skills
Join a Bible Study

These things are all great things but I wonder if we put too much emphasis on what we can do and not what God has already done?  

We would not hear what Levi did on anyone’s list. He got his friends together, the ones he knew didn't know Jesus, and threw a party. He didn't wait until he had the experience or was mature in his faith, he just wanted people to know Jesus like he did. He wanted his friends, the tax collectors and sinners, to follow Jesus too.

One would think that these people knew Levi pretty well because they were the same as him.
Levi took advantage of people; so did they.
Levi used his power for his own gain; so did they.
Levi wasn't a Jew; they weren't either.
Levi knew Jesus was different and could change his life; he wanted his friends to know it too.

Do you ever think this way? Do you ever tell those around you, those you hang out with the most, the ones you know the most, who Jesus is to you? I wonder what that could look like in your life? I wonder if you could start with your teammates and those you hangout with most often, who know you the best?

Today, step out in faith, even if you don’t know the right words (I'm sure Levi didn't), to tell one of your teammates why you follow Jesus.    





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